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Wallaby Medical:“Wallaby Strategy" Workshop
Jul 20,2022
Wallaby Medical:“Wallaby Strategy" Workshop

VBP (Volume-based Purcument) has brought unprecedented market and industrial impact to pharmaceutical and related industries.The once familiar game rules are about to cease to exist, and new markets and industrial changes are taking shape.The medical device industry's former operating model will be completely disrupted. In the midst of the on-going change, senior management and key decision-makers must maintain an analytical mind, facing the new competitive realities through systematic and structured strategic thinking logic in order to discover opportunities for the new era. 

 "Wallaby Medical Strategy Workshop" provided an opportunity where systematic discussions were held among the top management. The strategic thinking and analytical  processes for competitive strategy were detailed, and under the guidance of consultants, all the senior management decision-makers of Wallaby Medical led a practical discussion of their company's future development path and its competitive industrial positioning, thus paving the way for the company's long-term sustainable development.  

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