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Jul 09,2022– Artificial Intelligence, or AI for short is a new technical science to research and develop the theory, method, technology and application system for simulating, extending and expanding human intelligence. what changes will the development of artificial intelligence bring to society? How disruptive can these changes be or not be? And what does future hold for its fate?
Jul 01,2022– How many women around you are over 30 years old without children? How many women around you want to be a DINK family? How many women around you are willing to have two or three babies? How many women around you affect or even give up their career development because of childbirth?
Jun 27,2022– What is the Metaverse? Why are the major digital technology giants entering the Metaverse one after another? How should China's Metaverse industry be laid out and developed?
Jun 20,2022– Since the World Health Organization (who) in January 2020, named the new coronavirus is COVID-19.The COVID-19 variant that is still circulating is the Omicron variant of the novel coronavirus strain reported from southern Africa and named by the World Health Organization in November 2021. In most places, the worst of the Omicron wave has passed.By contrast, some places, such as China, continue to tighten restrictions, insisting on a "dynamic clearance to zero".
Jun 06,2022– Various indicators show that the global economy is declining at an unexpected rate and may be entering an unprecedented "super recession cycle".
May 25,2022– Technology marketing can help enterprises enrich the intangible components of their products to the greatest extent, provide more comprehensive customer value, and form effective differentiation. Technology marketing based on customer scenarios not only increases the proportion of tangible products and intangible services, but also avoids the bulk commoditization trend of enterprise (Haike) products, thus extending the product value curve.
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